Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Red State Hangover

Oh man, awesome. The canker sore that's blown up in my mouth is truly a sight to see, so calloused from rubbing up against my rotting molars that it looks like the bottom of my worn-out foot. When it comes up for air, it bears a striking resemblance to Rudy "noun, verb, 9/11" Guilianni, who yesterday had a bad day to end all bad days.

Also, go read History of Love, and if you can ignore the fact that Krause is married to Jonathan Safran Foer, you'll really enjoy it.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Oops, I moved

Wound up in Brooklyn, Park Slope neighborhood where I come to find that YES! The MTA B Line is my closest subway stop. Huzzah. The cat and the missus survived the journey. For the record, the move to New York was the right decision. The sushi alone is worth the trip, no matter if you turn into a mercurial tunnel beast from over-eating the yellow-fin.

Read a book about a president.